crumb - definitie. Wat is crumb
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Wat (wie) is crumb - definitie

Crumb family; Crumb (disambiguation); Crumbs; Crumbs (song)

¦ noun
1. a small fragment of bread, cake, or biscuit.
the soft inner part of a loaf of bread.
2. a very small amount: the Budget provided few crumbs of comfort.
3. N. Amer. informal an objectionable or contemptible person.
¦ verb [often as adjective crumbed] cover (food) with breadcrumbs.
OE cruma, of Gmc origin; the final -b was added in the 16th cent., perh. from crumble.
Crumbs are tiny pieces that fall from bread, biscuits, or cake when you cut it or eat it.
I stood up, brushing crumbs from my trousers.
N-COUNT: usu pl
A crumb of something, for example information, is a very small amount of it.
At last Andrew gave them a crumb of information...
N-COUNT: usu N of n
·noun The soft part of bread.
II. Crumb ·noun Fig.: A little; a bit; as, a crumb of comfort.
III. Crumb ·vt To break into crumbs or small pieces with the fingers; as, to crumb bread.
IV. Crumb ·noun A small fragment or piece; especially, a small piece of bread or other food, broken or cut off.



Crumb or Crumbs may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor crumb
1. Crumb-- R. Crumb, Robert Crumb, we meet him.
Three Songs, Three Singers, Three Nations _ Greil Marcus _ Talks at Google
2. Crust and crumb, right?
How to Bake Bread _ Josey Baker _ Talks at Google
3. and have a nice crumb.
The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook _ Deb Perelman _ Talks at Google
4. back to talking about crumb.
Comedy Central's Corporate _ Jake Weisman, Matt Ingebretson + More _ Talks at Google
5. This is the crumb coat.
Cakes by Melissa - Life is What You Bake It _ Melissa Ben-Ishay _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor crumb
1. From his great documentary "Crumb," about gonzo comic artist R.
2. "The crumb goes into a very large number of Cadbury products.
3. It is just possible that some crumb of good will come of the hostage release.
4. Then again, we would really rather have it in a ‘crispy crumb‘ coating.
5. "Every crumb was valued the same as a human life," she said.